Thoughts for the Week

Monday 30th April



This week's theme is kindness.

Tell me about someone who has shown kindness towards you recently.

What did they do?

How did their kindness make you feel?

Who have you shown kindness towards recently?

What did you do?

How did the person react to your kindness?

How did this make you feel?

This is a story about an act of kindness. It is about a man called Gandhi, who was one of

the most famous leaders and champions for justice in the world. Where he lived in India

it was very poor and many people could not afford to buy shoes.

As Gandhi stepped aboard a train one day, one of his shoes slipped off and landed on

the track. He was unable to retrieve it because the train was moving.To the amazement

of his companions, Gandhi calmly reached down and took off his other shoe. As the train

continued to move forwards, he threw it back along the track to land close to the first.

Asked by a fellow passenger why he did so,Gandhi smiled. ‘The poor man who finds the

shoe lying on the track,’ he replied, ‘will now have a pair he can use.’

Read this carefully

What did Ghandi do that was so kind?

Try really hard to do kind things for people this week and tell me about it on the blog.








What is journalism?

What do you think about this headline?

Can you tell the time?