
Week 4

More Enterprise

In this week of Micro-society we learned more about jobs and businesses. We also did more amazing events to help us learn more about what real life jobs seem to be like. This is what we did.

We chose what jobs we would like to do and who we wanted to do it with. Patrick and I made our business, however it wasn't as successful as we thought it would be, so we added a discount. This attracted more people to come to our lottery and we earned more money. Nobody has won yet but the winner does get a prize of 120 scorpios ( the money in Scorpius class for Micro-society ). I hope my business goes well.

We then looked at receipts and discussed their features. We talked about how they have many aspects. After looking at all the features and looking at the most important we actually got people to design and create receipts for our society. Anjana and Germantas were the people who created this.

We then got into groups and thought about what group and job would be very successful. I thought a lottery would because, if you buy a ticket and get the answer correct you get money back. So the customer gets 40x more than they buy a ticket for; a ticket is 3

We had some visitors that came into our classroom to talk about their jobs. They talked about their wages, their actual job/ what they do and more. This gave us a lot of information about how to run the job.

I think a lot of people will come to The Lots of Lucky Lottery, this is probably because if 'you buy you get'. If people get the correct answer as I explained before yo would get 40x more than the price of the product. In the future, Patrick and I are deciding to make more prizes and challenges to make our business even better, this would allow us to earn maybe double the amount we are earning now. Hope it goes well!!!