On Monday 10th October Willy Wonka,(a famous chocolatier) visited Sacred Heart,Willow Class. He was here to answer some of our questions.He explained that he's going to be giving out some more shiny ,golden tickets throughout the year.We asked him a range of magnificent questions about his life.He talked about Charlie and how he was the most trust-worthiest child at the tour of his factory. Wonka whispered to us,"I have had another adventure with Charlie called the Glass Elevator". Wonka also told us about how he is still in contact with him.Later on Wonka also talked about Oompa Loompa's. He also explained his love of Oompa Loompa's. How much he loves Oompa Loompa's!What amazing pupils they are! Wonka's comment of the day was ,"Oompa Loompa's are gorgeous"! He has no favourite Oompa Loompa. He doesn't care if the pupils have green hair . They have a tiny doorway to get through while they are working.

The famous chocolatier boasted,"I've got the biggest factory in the whole entire world". "I've got tons of cocoa beans as well". He explained why he has a humangous factory .It is because he has to fit in all of the hard working machines.

By Emma