Dare enter the Volcano of Kronoblaze

Before Earth was swarmed with creatures, Earth was a giant ball of fiery lava, orbiting the ruling sun. The sphere of lava did not have any civilization, apart from the ferocious Kronoblaze. Odin, the king of Asgard ordered that they should send a miniscule planet at Earth so it will transform to a liveable planet and be filled with immortals, but was disappointed to see mere mortals.

Loki, the brother of Thor hated Asgard and wanted to conquer it, so he created a portal in Kronoblaze's Volcano that lead to Asgard. Kronoblaze the one third human, one third dragon and one third kronosaurus was aware of the portal, but waited for Asgardians to come and attack him. Kronoblaze was a jet black and crimson red creature with scorching breath as hot as fire, lightning tipped talons, an indestructible body and colossal jaws. He had a savage nature and left a trail of destruction wherever he went. Although many had tried to slay the vicious brute, none where successful and felt a burning demise.

Some Asgardian scouts heard that Kronoblaze was going to destroy Asgard and claim the mask of shadows to unleash it's true power on Asgard so Asgard will suffer and feel his mighty wrath. Odin, king of Asgard held a meeting with all the elders to give any suggestions on how to stop the beast from reaching Asgard. Thor says that Slice will venture to Earth and slay Kronoblaze before he gets to Asgard. Odin is fine with it, but asks Thor if Slice is ready as he is only 8. Thor told Slice the news and took him to the blacksmith.

The blacksmith said that he'll forge a weapon so powerful that to forge it, you'll have to gather the remains of a dying star. Fortunately, they did have some remains of a dead star as they needed them to forge Mjolnir Thor's hammer. Within a day, the weapon was forged. It was a sword made of a dead star and pure steel. The sword was named Dice as it went well with Slice's name. Then the blacksmith then handed over a shield to protect Slice from the deadly fireballs of Kronoblaze. He was now ready to face Kronoblaze.

Early next morning, Thor lead Slice to Heimdall, who opened the portal to Kronoblaze's Volcano located in the icy Arctic. When Slice entered the portal, he came face to face with the fiery creature and engaged into sword combat. They slashed each other, until Slice created a ball of earth to counter Kronoblaze's fire breath. To then end the battle, Slice leapt up, sent a burning lightning ball at himself to gain more power and landed a powerful blow on Kronoblaze after summoning Blaze, Slice's pet and mysteriously Kronoblaze's brother. When Blaze defeated Kronoblaze, Slice grabbed Kronoblaze's powerchain and hurried back to Asgard. Thor was pleased to see Slice alive.