

Subject: David's environmental Club

Hi Chayanne!

I hope you're doing well!

Today I want to tell you something. So,a week ago I joined a club that is called 'David's Environmental Club'.

In this club we have alot of fun and try to make our mother Earth better. We are putting bins everywhere: on beaches, in our school and in some other schools too and even in skateparks. Every Wednesday we will have an outing! An outing where we clean a place like a park or a garden. Next Wednesday we're going to Royal Garden to clean the garden and maybe put some bins.

So people can throw thrash in bins not on the ground! We meet everyday at half past 2 (14:30),at room 1C atSt. Anne School. And if you want, you can create a poster about the environment and publish it on social media too. Every Saturday we call it 'Plant Day'. We plant some seeds to have more plants and give our room a nicer look with plants. Also we planted some fruits trees like apple trees and orange trees in our front garden. We have our garden at St. Anne's School and, sometimes we eat some fruits from our trees.

Why don't you join our club too?

You can also bring your friends with you! Don't forget , we need to take care of the environment!

