'Moving On' Comprehension Answers

Summarise:Put the events in order from 1-5:

Ken drowns -2.

The family goes on holiday -1.

Her friend breaks Ken’s surf board -3.

Sarah begins to take her place -4.

A plastic bag is placed over Barbie’s house -5.

Explain: Back up your answers with evidence (We know this because….)

Q1. What clues are there in the text, before the final paragraph, that indicate the

writer is a doll?

Clues there are in the text that indicate that the writer is a doll is ‘there had been an accident on the boat and ken was lost forever- presumed drowned.’ If someone is lost on the boat then there would be people who you can ask for directions. If someone falls into the water and drowns then someone will go and rescue that person. If something is small and it gets lost on the boat or drowns in the water then it would be hard to find help or to get rescued. So this clue indicates it is something small such as a doll.


Q2. Why did the character not enjoy going to the beach?

The character did not enjoy going to the beach because it hated the way the sand

never seemed to wash out of its hair.  


Q3. What conclusions can you draw from what the character says about the age of the


Conclusions I can draw from what the character says about the age of the girl is that she

is too old to play with barbie dolls because she decided to give the doll’s house and Barbie to

charity shop. Some children as old as 16 still play with barbie dolls which some stop playing with them as young as 7 years old. Every child is different, and it really doesn’t matter when to stop playing with them. I think she is 11 years old or around that age.

By Yukta Sree Saravana Kumar, 6A.