Big dog


Skinny dog, skinny dog, little lanky thin dog, skinny dog, skinny dog why are you so thin dog?

Big dog, big dog

as podgy as a balloon dog

big dog,big dog

why are you so podgy dog?

Cute dog

Skinny dog

Cute dog, scoot dog

Don't chew the boot dog sit dog, stop dog, not in the bog dog!

cool dog

Bobby dog, boy dog,

he is my little dog,

bobby dog, bobby dog

Bobby Dog

Misunderstood Dog

I'm a misunderstood dog, a mismatch, ar stranger to all except me dog, a wierdo, an outsider to all except me dog.

please master, please master

I want a treat p master,

please master, please master

can I have some more ?

Cool dog, cool dog

surfing like a dude dog Cool dog , cool dog

I am so cool dog

Guard Dog

Guard Dog, Guard Dog Protect the things dog