It was my sisters fault

If it was anyone's fault it would be my sisters fault because she was the person who dared me to eat a 2p coin when I was 3 years old. that was when I was a, joyfull, jumpy and a playfull child. That happened on a friday that's why now it is my worst day of the week. Can you guess what happened? Well what happend was that my mean sister got told off and her punishment was that...... she couldent watch tv for a week! I was so happy so that when we watch tv she diddnt have to fuss about what we were watching-thats what she always does, but the bad thing is, is that it is only for a week! so I told my mum and dad that if we practised our piano without you telling us couled we watch 2 films, and even though you have to tell us we couled still watch 1. and the good thing is that she said yes! and the other good thing is that I always did.