Name: Steve Backshall Birth: April 21st 1973 Place of birth: Bagshot, Surrey


Childhood and Teenage Years

Steve Backshall grew up with seven sisters and four brothers. After college, he set off backpacking around Asia. It was that journey that he found his love for adventures.

He then went to Exeter University and after his time at University he went to Japan to

live for a year.


He filmed himself in a jungle in Columbia and he sent it to the Geographic

Channel. They were impressed of what they saw. They offered him a job

to go on adventures. He has been in many television shows, for example;

Deadly 60, the Lost Land of the Jaguar and another called the Lost Land of

the Volcano. He has also hosted other programmes like DIY Deadly and

Deadly Dinosaurs. In 2015, Steve got engaged to Helen Glover. They got

married nearly exactly a year later. He is now 47 years old.

Interesting facts

He has a love for animals and also loves snakes. He has came very close to very venomous and poisonous things such as cobras rattlesnakes and even poison dart frogs. He has caught huge crocodiles which you can see him do on Deadly 60. He also sets up night vision cameras overnight so he can go to bed and see if anything came by in his footage. Once he set up cameras to try and catch a jaguar but the only thing that came was a possum. He then went to a sanctuary to see one catch it's prey. You know what. He actually got right next to one and he even got to stroke it. The jaguar wasn't bothered at all. Steve Backshall tried to beat a gecko climbing up a building but he was at least 2 minutes off the speed of the gecko. His parents are Daniel and Doreen. They gave birth yo 7 girls and 4 boys.