My perfect Internet
Dear world,
My perfect internet will have a game lobby in every online multiplayer game that is for people who want to play the game properly and another game lobby for cheaters and glitchers. Then everyone gets to play the game how they want when they want. Every online chatting service for kids e.g, binweevils will have a lock service that will not let you say anything rude to other players. Games will have an anti-bullying feature fixed into any phone,laptop or console. Any rude or bullying messages will be reported and sent to dad, mum, carer, or some sort of family.
Pop-ups will have an option to close, delete, never see again. My dream would be to delete all viruses and pop-ups. People will have their own safe profile that will have the option to join whenever you want into any game you want.
Help us make a better Internet!!!

Yours hopefully,