My trip to the Natural Portrait Gallery

We took the bus to Bethenal Green station then we got the DLR wile we were on the train me Diaz ,Aman and Lequavir were talking about pictures and other things. when we got of the train we walked to Trafalgar Square then we went inside the museum and walked around and did some sketches I just did the border .

We sketched picture and statues I also sketched some swirls and 3 borders with amazing detail.My friend Aman sketched a prince and it looks really good and my other friend J'varine sketched a border.

After a hour of sketching we had lunch at Trafalgar Square.I had a cheese sandwich ,a finger biscut,jaffar cakes ,crisp and a drink and a tunar sandwich .We also saw this man who came and put on some music and set up a ladder and went up it and shaked it and came back down and put on a new song and went back up the ladder slaped his bum then went all the way up and and stood there like a cross. Then the boys went to the toilet and came back and said you have to pay.

After lunch we went .Into the museum and hung up are coats then we went to the room with the most paintings and did are work shop .First we had to talk about 3 different paintings then we did a freeze frame and performed it in front of every one .Then when we finished we had to draw something that represents us when we finished that we got are stuff and went to the loo and left.

When we left we walked to the museum we walked back to the train station and caught the DLR back to Bethnal Green station then when we got out of the train station we caught the 254 to the hospital then walked to school from the bus stop then went home.