All about teeth

Different types of teeth

There are four different types of teeth. Including molars, incisors and canines. All of these

teeth have different jobs. All your teeth are very important. Your incisors are

the four front teeth on the top and bottom of your mouth. Their job is to bite a bit off of

the food. The bit of food they bite off is the right amount to fit in your mouth. Next, your

canines, are the two sharp teeth on the top and bottom of your mouth. These teeth are for

ripping up food if it is hard or chewy. For example, meat or an apple. To remember what

teeth are your canines, you can remember that your canines are you vampire looking teeth.

Last, are your molars. Your molars are your small teeth at the back of your mouth. They are

for ripping up for food and making it small, so it can easily go down your throat.

Brush your teeth!!