The history of chocolate

It all started when the Mayans started mixing cocoa beans with water and spices although it was very bitter but they thought it was so delicious that they even called it food of the gods !only the most wealthy could afford it and they even used the cocoa beans as After hundreds of years none of Europe knew about it until the Spanish sail to America and come back with the recipe and tons of gold ! Still only the wealthy are able to afford the precious drink. After a while, started to get bored of all the bitterness of the drink so, they added sugar and sometimes honey. The invention of the steam engine made separating the cocoa butter from the powder possible that man was Rodolphe Lindt.Joseph Fry then invented a way of adding the melted cocoa butter back to the powder to make the Chocolate bar we know today .Other touches were added like adding alkaline salt to reducing it's biterness.Daniel Peter invented milk Chocolate by mixing a powdered milk developed by Henri Nestlé.Well I hope you've learned a lot about chocolate today!


The Mayans create a bitter drink

