in roblox you get to play games like jailbreak and simulators

fat simulator

gorilla simulator  you get to eat bananas and get to be a king or queen gorrilla

my favourite game is mining simulator your mine stone and lots of ores and pet simulator you get to collect pets and destroy coins to get coins

its one of the most popular games in the world lots of people play it is so much fun im in a clan on fortnite we get to do clan battles we do agianst other clans as well even

You get to do pet simulator my favorite game if you get it friend me and we can play togther i will give you golden spike a good pet and get you a head start me and you can be bff i have lot's of good pets let me and you play togther i'm also in a youtube videos and me and

Rayan play togther on fortnite and we get lot's of duos