The Rude

girl and the Kind girl

Once upon a time there was a girl

called jalilah she was kind girl she would give her friends some toys to keep

in school. However, their was a mean girl her name was Maya she would tell

jalilah stop giving people free stuff and that only jalilah can give maya free

stuff.. Jalilah got so angry that she said CAN YOU PLEASE STAP! Maya laughed

and laughed and walked happily away. Jalilah friend called Arifa  said “maybe lets teach her a lesson…” jalilah

replied “ok!” so what they wanted to do is say that all their fidget toys are

gone because they were stolen… The next day they told Maya that they lost all

their toys then Maya said “HAHAHAHHH” then jalilah grabbed out all her toys and

said “LOOK WHAT I HAVE HERRREEEEE!” Maya suddenly said”sorry..” Jalilah said " ok I forgive you." Arifa asked "Maya why would you want free stuff from jalilah? Maya replied sorrowful "I have no fidget toys I always wanted one but my mom always say no." Jalilah gave Maya a huge pop it! Maya Screamed "AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!"

The END~~