my friends

Two of my best friends are brothers and they are very good friends. We met in year one and as fast as lightning, Jean Paul and I became very good friends. I met Gabriel in year one too and he is a very good friend too. Emanuel is a friend that I met this year an he is pretty funny. I met Kiren in year one and we got to knowing each other really fast but Kiren is not attending this year because of the virus. Chalize is a good friend because she is a funny and a supportive friend. I never really got to know Toya but I'm sort of getting to know her now. Tiana is a good friend and I met her in year two. Jayden Craig is a funny friend and I met him in year four. Like Toya I never really got to now Stephanie but she is a pretty good friend. If I misspelled your names I am sorry :I.