In the Foundation Phase pupils should become familiar with the sort of person Jesus was, when he lived, what he taught and did and why he is important.

In Key Stage 2 pupils should be taught aboutJesus so that they can see the impact he had on many kinds of people in his own day. Rather

than seeing hislife as a series of disconnected and miscellaneous miracles and parables they should begin to appreciate the purposeful shape of his ministry. Rather than seeing his teachings as being found in one or two familiarparables, they should begin to see what he taught in relation to Judaism, representatives of various cultures andthe church itself; to human beings and to God. Pupils should begin to understand the theological meaning andsaving purpose of the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen dylai disgyblion ddod yn gyfarwydd â'r math o berson oedd lesu, pryd yr oedd yn byw, beth

a ddysgodd a beth a wnaeth, a pham yr oedd yn bwysig.

Yng Nghyfnod Allweddol 2 dylid dysgu'r disgyblion am lesu fel y gallant weld yr effaith a gafodd ar wahanol fathau o bobl yn ei ddydd. Yn hytrach na gweld ei fywyd fel cyfres o wahanol wyrthiau a damhegion digyswllt dylent ddechrau deall siâp pwrpasol ei weinidogaeth. Yn hytrach, na gweld ei ddysgeidiaeth mewn un neu ddwy o'r damhegion cyfarwydd, dylent ddechrau gweld beth a ddysgodd mewn perthynas ag Iddewiaeth, â chynrychiolwyr o ddiwylliannau gwahanol ac â'r eglwys ei hun, â bodau dynol ac mewn perthynas â Duw. Dylai disgyblion ddechrau deall ystyr ddiwinyddol a phwrpas achubol marwolaeth ac atgyfodiad lesu.

Iesu / Jesus