Hey guys! I really love art and I hope you like art as much as I do so today I will be showing some art infomation.

So I will show you some painting safety stuff first. First i will show some rules first. Before you start painting wear an approune,

and then get a nice clean brush and then get a paint pallet and pour some paint, get a peice of paper [or an canvers].

The first artists ash from fire, red clay or naturely pigments from plants for paint.Today, artist can paint and draw with chalk, paint, pastel, pen, pencils, water colour paints, oil paints.People can recycle metals, plastic, fabric, paper, glass, wool, wood.You also can be crafty and be good at recycling and be arty so you can practice drawing and painting on paper and computers and elotronic mobiles and I practice drawing by a drawing pad called XP pen it is super fun.

I hope you get/buy the XP pen it is super fun to practice drawing on a XP pen or if you cant buy/get it you can download a drawing app on a phone or a tablet, computers and whiteboard any technicals instead of using a XP pen. You can use some food to make beautiful picture like: potatos, orange, apples, banana peels, brocolies, cucumbers and carrots and you can use some tools to make pictures like: ropes, mops, stones, scrumbled newspapers, cups and bottles is a great stuff to paint and craft with and make lots of new things like house decorating stuff like: picture frames, fridge decoratetion and book cover decoratetion.