Many children every year suffer from an illness called DDH which stands for Developmental dysplasia of the Hip. When a child develops DDH it is very difficult and emotional for both the child and the parents. What is DDH? Developmental dysplasia of the hip ( in other words DDH)is a congenital condition that occurs when the ball and socket hip joint fails to develop correctly. The ball joint is at the top of the thigh bone usually but children and adults who suffer from DDH have there ball joint in a different place where it is not meant to be. For those of you who want to know, the socket is called the 'acetabulum' and this is part of a bone in your body called the Pelvis. In a normal healthy hip, the head of the femur is smooth and round and the acetabulum is a smooth cup-like shape and the two sit together like an egg in an egg cup.

if you have any questions or concerns about DDH, visit Spica Warrior and you can find out more information about it. When you visit the website please donate some money to help children suffering from this life changing illness. Thank you so much for your generosity towards Developmental dysplasia in the hip (DDH)

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