
Battlefront is an online game which is on Ps4, Xbox 360 and on computer.Battlefront is not a fast game. If you like star wars and like gun games you will definitely like Battlefront. There are many different modes on Battlefront like:

Walker Assault


Hero's Vs. Villains



Hero Hunt

Turning Point

Fighter Squadron and many more.

In walker assault you have to take the walkers down if you are the imperials, but if you are the rebels you have to defend your walker so the imperials can not take the walker down.

In Supremacy you have to get the uplinks and try to win.

In Hero's Vs. Villains you have to choose your hero and try to defeat the other opposing hero's. If you defeat all of the hero's and you win but if the opposing team defeats your hero's then you lose.

In Cargo you have to collect the Cargo to and get the opposing cargo to your cargo.

In blast it is the first team to get 100 kills.

In Hero Hunt one person is the hero and you have to try and kill the opposing team.

In Turning point it is the same as Supremacy but in a different map.

In Fighter Squadron you are in a ship and the first one to get 100 kills in a ship.