Book Review

Book Title: Julia,Penguin and the spy Written by: Carlo Frabetti

Illustrations by: Mónica Calvo

Event 1: Once upon a time there was a dog named Penguin he isn't just a Penguin,he's a dog. But as a puppy he was clumsy and when she saw him walking, her grandmother used to say, he's waddling around like he's got two left feet and although his real name is Saturnine.

Event 2: Julia loves to take Penguin for a walk and they usually go to the park near her house. She also tries not to get too close to bicycles going down the bicycle lane because if Penguin were playing around he might jump at them and make someone fall off their bike.

Event 3: One day,on he way to the park with Penguin, Julia thought a suspicious looking man was following her. He looked like a spy from a spy movie with the collar on his trench coat pulled up and his hat pulled right down to his eyebrows.