Transition to Year 6!

The step up to Year 6 may seem like a huge leap of faith, but it's one of the most fun years in the school and is full of excitement, especially at the end!

Isle of Wight

One of the most exciting parts of Year 6 is the residential trip to the Isle of Wight! A whole week away from school, doing fun activities! Not much can beat that!


At the end of the year, there is a production performed by Year 6. It's incredibly entertaining and everyone loves it! Definitely one of the best ways to end the year!


What's more, you have the chance to be a head student! Every term, the teachers decide who will be Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl. Also, every house decides who will be the best House Captains!

Remember, Year 6 comes with many responsibilities and you will have to work hard to pass SATs and you need to set an example for the entire school. Maturity is of the upmost importance.

I wish you all the best for Year 6, and I hope that you will enjoy it as much as I have!

William Harvey