When I climbed a mountain

I wanted to be the best climber in the whole world.I was brave and daring.It was a challenge I couldn't resist.

I climbed the highest mountain in the world.It was the first time I had climbed such a big and huge mountain.I set off with my mountain climbing equipment and two fellow climbers.These were two of my friends Kaiona and Alayza.

The mountain was steep sided with huge patches of slippery ice.It looked like an icy pyramid.Sharp rocks and thin paths led to top.Snow and wind battered at the little trees.The snow was thick and I could hardly see.The wind blew us back but we carried on.The higher we climbed the colder it grew.

I saw two polar bears.we camped so we can get some rest and gain energy.I lost my warm big jacket while I was sleeping,but I had a spare one in my bag.I tripped and nearly fell down,but just in time ,one of my fellow friends grabbed my arms.

It was a hard climb but I made it to the top.I looked from the high mountain and thought I am the best climber in the entire world.I loved the climb so much I'm going to climb another and another and another......