
Some cats can scratch you or hurt you. I love cats they can be cute. Do you love cats? I love the orange cats. Does any one love black cats? Cats can drink seawater and they cant taste sweet things. Cats sleep 16-18 hours. Cats knead with their paws when they are happy. A male cat is called Tom and a female cat is called queen. Cats can get a tapeworm from eating mice. An adult cat has 30 teeth. Cats can run up to 30 miles per hour. A female cat carries kittens for about 58-65 days before they were born. A cat can jump seven times its height. A group of kittens are called a kindle and a group of adult cats are called a clowder. Cats have five toes in each front paw and have four toes on each back paw. Cats cannot see in complete darkness. Cats have excellent hearing and have a powerful sense of smell.   

Questions about animals

If you wish you have an animal what will you call it?

What animal do you have?

Do you love your animal?

Do you like other animal?