‘The Pig in the Pond’


Sports Day

The children have been busy preparing for sports day, and we look forward to Tuesday 30th June when they can show you their sporting skills!

On Tuesday please send your child into school in their PE Kit. We are sending the PE kits home today so that you have them in preparation.

If your child is in Foundation 2 or wraparound please send their school uniform in so that they may change afterwards. If your child is in Foundation 1 you do not need to do this, they may stay in their PE kits.

Next week we will be busy learning about ‘The Pig in the Pond’. If you have this story please share it with your child as the children will be retelling it next week.

(You can also find the story read aloud on you tube)

The children will feel more confident to do this if it is a story they are more familiar with.

For the challenge this week we ask that you read other books by Martin Waddell as we will be talking about which of his stories we find to be the most funny and which is our favourite.