The spanish armada

1.Queen Mary married King Phillip 2 of Spain in the year 1556.

2.Mary died on the 17th of November 1558.

3.She died during a Flu epidemic and was 42 years old at the time.

4.The throne was then passed down to Elizabeth 1 on the 15 January 1559 which was the first problem for Phillip and the English because Mary was Catholic and so was Phillip but Elizabeth was Protestant so that was one reason why Phillip wanted to invade.

5.The other four reasons why Phillip invaded were: Elizabeth chopped of Mary Queen of scots head -his only Catholic hope,Elizabeth refused his proposal,the English robbed his treasure ships and he wanted more power.

6.The Spanish Armada arrived August 1588 so sir Francis Drake came up with a plan to set fire to their ships and send them out to the Spanish.

7.There were 130 ships invading but only 58 made it back to Spain!!!!

8.35 ships were lost,20,000 died and 1200 were wounded!!

9.Elizabeth died on the 24th of March 1603.