About me profile

                 By Minnette

Hiya! MY name is Minnette. And I’m gonna try to cram my life and interests into a few paragraphs. Hope you enjoy! Like I said before, my name is Minnette and I live in ye olde England London to be precise ( pip pip cheerio God save the queen and all that )  with my mum, dad and my unbelievably annoying older brother ( sometimes I’m the annoying one but let’s change the subject). When I’m not at school or doing homework OR doing my Croatian classes ( Dobar dan! Moj učitelj nezna  što pisem) which is hardly ever, I like to draw, mostly realism I also love to bake and do gymnastics ( it’s really fun! Make sure to try it out!) . But my most favourite hobby is fighting with my brother (don’t worry… its only physical ;D)

. I have quite  a few achievements which I’m proud of. One being beating ‘The Boys’ at table football *cough* 5 times in a row *cough*. But my overall favourite achievement  is winning the school council elections and the title of the best long jumper in my class (now maybe the the whole school) . When I get older, I want to be a vet or doctor. However I’m terrified of

blood so I already settled with a scientist ( I mean I think I can fight it)  but all three jobs help things so…… But now ( sadly for you) this profile has taken a halt. But you probably know

me so don’t hesitate to ask me anything ( there are many things I have yet to

tell you like the time I lived in South Korea for 4 years of my life or that i'm half Croatian and half Serria Leonean and much more)  so don’t hesitate to ask me! Goodbye guys!!!