Week Beginning 1st February Home Learning


This home learning is designed to be completed over the course of the

week. Take a look below and each day try to complete:

  1. A Maths task
  2. An English task
  3. Either Science, Topic, P.E or R.E

Ask your parents to take photographs of your work and email them to us once during the week.

Task: This week is National Story telling week. Play the game above (emailed out)

in order to make up your own fairy tales. I wonder who your characters will be!

Task: Create some of the characters on paper and use them as puppets to retell your story.

You could create and retell different stories over the week.

Task: Create an alternative ending for one or more fairy tales, maybe there's a mashup of


Task: It's also Mental Health Awareness week this week. Fill out the balloons on the

worksheet to tell us why you are an amazing person!

Task: Complete a comprehension on Read Theory and/or complete the twinkl Pirate Reading Comprehension. Click on the twinkl Go link. The child login pin code has been emailed out..

Task: Earn some stars on Doodle Maths.

Task: Complete the Rising Stars work on page 4 and 5.

Task: Complete Crocodile 'PlanIt' worksheet 1.

Task: Complete Crocodile 'PlanIt' worksheet 2.

Task: Complete Classroom Secrets Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving





Task: Watch the 'Singing Postman' interview to learn about how a

version of his Sea Shanty has gone viral. ------------------------------->

Task: Find out and make an information page about what Sea

Shanties are and who sang them.

Task: <------------------------ Listen to the full version here (remixed)

Task: Create your own Sea Shanty (You could even add instruments!)

Task: Or create a performance to the remix.

Our Science Topic this half term is Animals and their needs

The focus for this week is eating to stay healthy.

Task: Read the "Healthy Eating" Power point.

Task: Click on the links and watch "What is the Eatwell Guide?"

and the "Five a Day" song.

Task: Complete the Healthy Eating Meal activity.