Day two

Ten pin bowling

Day two was tiring but great fun. First of all I played football in Finsbury park with my friends, I whizzed round on the roundabout until I got dizzy and I climbed to top of the high walk way. It was really scary. I thought I was going to fall but if I did fall I would be saved by the netting. Afterwards my friends and I went to Rowans and bowled. It was fun because Candy and Jenny played with us as well .I leant that it does not matter if I win or lose it is about having fun. Overall it was EXHILERATING.

Timbuktu adventure playground

This has been the best thing that I have done so far. First of all I played hide and seek with my friends there are so many places to hide. As I came down the vertical slide, the wind rushed past my face, I was petrified but when I reached the curve luckIly I was still alive with everything still in its place! It was also triumphant because Orlando mastered the go cart. At first he was scared of going round the corner on a ramp, but he worked out a way of turning the front wheels quickly. When I got home I FELL ASLEEP STRAIGHT AWAY!