

In Peake we discussed enterprise which is when you identify gaps in the market,assessing risks and getting people to buy your product.



In Peake we've been looking at civil jobs in the UK.Like a newspaper boy,a baker,a teacher and a member of parliment.


In Peake we read the next bit of Notenuf.In the story the people of the planet had seeds to grow food but they then started to trade seeds for food packs and labour.the captain is very worried about some people having less then others.

Old jobs

In Peake our TA Mrs Cranfield told us about her old job. Her old job was a person who gave jobs to people an then if she'd like to give that person a better job which matches more of they're skills. Then we looked at candidates for different jobs.


In Peake we took a business questionnaire on running a business.I don't know what everyone else got but i know that i got 11 points and thats good enough.


In Peake we decided on what our currency is and how it will look like.Our currency is called Peake Zos.We also decided to give more money to the police officer then the Prime Minister.