Home Learning Week 1




Hello Year 4, we hope you are all safe and well and have settled into a new way of learning at home. Mrs Bird and I are missing you all but we know that we will be reunited again!

Thank you so much for all the lovely photos and comments telling us what you have been up to at home, they are fab - please keep them coming.

We are all safe and well, at home we have signed up to the new Disney+ and I noticed that the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea film is on there! You have watched clips from this at school. So if you have also signed up, why not watch the whole film and have a movie afternoon as part of Literacy. Let me know what you think, you could even do a film review!

Keep up the fantastic work you are doing at home, you are all amazing.

Mrs Arnold and Mrs Bird

Adah's Pendant

Jack's doing some Maths

Lexi's Poem

James' shield

Archie working on his pendant

Alice working hard

Lexi making Viking Jewellery