Not long ago, I was writing a story with my brand new pencil. It was yellow and had a pink rubber that smelled so good. Everyone was so jealous and wanted it for themselves. I was trying to show off when suddenly, it jumped out of my hand and started running away. Everyone started to chase it, even the teacher. Bob was running around the place and Rose jumped on top of Christina. I couldn't believe my eyes, a pencil was running around the place and making a huge mess. To get it back, I told everyone that if they caught it, they could keep it forever. So the whole class jumped up and started running. I obviously wasn't going to let anyone keep my special pencil because I really wanted it. I was in the classroom relaxing for over 20 minutes, until I heard thunder. My teacher arrived in with the pencil in her hand so I went up to hug her but instead, I took the pencil! I ran to my bag and put it inside. Everyone was so angry at me but what could they do?