The Sun and the Wind part 2

The Sun and the Wind continued arguing after the Sun won.

The Wind: It's not fair you cheated.

The Sun: No, I did not.

The Wind:Fine,lets go to another place.

The Wind: Lets go to Italy.

The Sun: Sure but I will still win.

Then they both went to Italy but after they both saw a long red talking door.

The Door: You are the Sun and the Wind, aren't you?

The Wind: Yes, how did you know?

The door: I heared a lot about you and your competitions.

The door: So it's both of you.

The Sun : Yes.

The door : I have a test for both of you!

The door: I see that girl with that farmer in that lovely farm. I want to see who will be the one to make her remove her hat.

The Sun and the Wind: Okay we will do it!.

The Sun was up first.

The Sun started burning , the temperature got high.

The girl: It feels really hot here i should go inside and take a glass of water.

The Wind was next. Thev girl after drinking went out to pick a bunch of flowers. As soon as she bent down to pick some roses , the Wind started blowing as hard as it could. The girl could not keep her hat on. It flew away to Spain.

The door: And the winner is the Wind!!!

The Wind: Now we are even.

The Sun: Yes,we are!