To Jeff

Personally,I would like to give you some advice about your friend Bradley.I think that you and Bradley should depart as he is a bad influence on your behaviour.I want you to do well in this school and playing with Chalkers will make your grades decend rapidly;before you know it you will be stuck in this grade for a following year.There are many other kids that would long to play with you, such as Robbie.

Although,you are a kind and caring person you will have to let Bradley locate other friends.You need to go separate ways.I will help you to find Bradley some friends but in the meantime play with Robbie and his mates.I am seeing Bradley tomorrow and I will try and guide him to the right path.

I think Bradley feels hard done by and I don't want you to feel like you are being forced to be his friend if he is on his own.If you want to be his friend ,just dont get in to his fights.

I hope you do well at Red Hill.

Yours faithfully,
