The Old House by nour"Come on, Max! Don't be a chicken. "Scar started to do a clucking sound and moved his arms up and down like some mad, demented chicken."No! You know the shopkeeper said not to go near that house. He said bad things have happened in there.""Don't be daft. All shop keepers say that stuff. No one's lived there in years. It will be an adventure, Max. We might even find some gold coins and become billionaires, “Scar boasted. Max pondered this for a while and changed his mind at the thought of becoming rich. Reluctantly he joined scar in the front garden and the two boys crept up to the front door. The door was ajar and Scar pushed it further open. silently walked inside...The room was silent there was real life zombie party in there. “Whoa!Scar wore a ghost costume and tried to scare Max. “ooooohhhhh!”Max jumped and ran inside the party but scar was beginning to get bad thoughtsHe ran out of the house and... soon his brother followed him.” that was fun, said Max let’s go again! so then they went in and this time every corner was full of cob webs bloody axes on a wooden track this is going to be scary very scary. They crept silently then… out of a sudden a huge mine cart with a seat on it. “Let’s go on it “suggested Scar. They rode on it and it started moving “Whoaaaaaaah. This is Awesome !!!!” They were at the last stop “I think we could go home now” so the boys settled off home feeling tired and happy at the same time. soon they reached home “Let’s keep this a secret. No one will know about it” so they went home to bed imagining what will happen next …