The Machine and the Mouse
By Alex Hunter

The crazy, loud machine was up and running.  Professor Penguin said ‘This is my fabulous machine.  I want it to be perfect for the inspectors.’ ‘Yes we do,’ said Molly, his assistant.  The machine was very dirty and Professor Penguin was cleaning it.  Molly was checking that everything was working properly.  

Professor Penguin and Molly had been working on the machine for months and months.  Infact they hadn’t been doing anything else for the whole year!  The machine would do everything for you.  All you had to do was press a button and the conveyor belt sprang into action.  It would do your washing, dry your hair, give you a shower, and even choose your outfit!  Professor Penguin made this massive machine because he wanted people to have more time to do fun things like reading the paper, going shopping, and playing football and rugby. 

After lunch the inspectors arrived.  Everything was all polished and ready for them to try out. 
Professor Penguin was feeling a bit nervous because nobody had seen it before and he didn’t know if the inspectors would like it or not.  The first inspector said ‘Wow!’  His name was Mr. Quadbucket and he was a tall, skinny man with a wispy, dark brown moustache.  The second inspector said ‘Oooh!’  Her name was Mrs. Propellor and she had dark, curly hair and wore glasses.

Mr. Quadbucket pressed the button and the massive machine started up.  A huff and a puff came out of the machine.  Professor Penguin heard this and was not sure that the machine was working.  He had thought everything was working properly, but it wasn’t!  The inspectors were very angry when they heard this. 

‘Why is this not working?’ said Mrs. Propellor, and she marched over to Professor Penguin.  ‘I wanted to see how the machine did everything for you.’ ‘Mmmm, I’m sorry.  Let me go and see what’s inside the machine that’s making it not work,’ said Professor Penguin.  He went over to have a look and you wouldn’t believe what was inside: a mouse! ‘A mouse!’ said Mrs Propellor, ‘Well, I’m not very pleased to hear that.  I will have to have a word with him.’  She went over to the machine and she said to the mouse: ‘Why are you in there?  I was expecting this machine to work.’ ‘Um, I’m sorry but I just wanted to have a bit of exercise,’ said the mouse, ‘and I thought I could jog on the conveyor belt.’ ‘Well, you’ll have to go into another room to do your exercise I’m afraid,’ said Mr Quadbucket, and so, the mouse scrambled off to do his exercise somewhere else. 

‘Thank goodness,’ said the inspectors, ‘now let’s have another try.’  Mr Quadbucket pressed the button again and this time the machine was working with no huffing or puffing.  ‘Hooray,’ said the inspectors as the machine did their hair, and brushed their teeth, ‘this machine is fabulous Professor Penguin!’