Hello and in this blog I am going to guide you all through the world of keeping yourself safe on the internet! With lots of information, this blog might just be the one that you can follow when you are older and you are looking/chatting to something/someone on the internet or on an app that you commonly use! There are even tips on how to keep yourself from getting in trouble with the results online!

When you are on social apps, DO NOT EVER REVEAL ANY PERSONAL PICTURES! Doing this might not be good for you or other people because you are revealing something very personal pictures and you may not feel comfortable when you are sending your private pictures to unknown people!

When chatting online, make sure that you NEVER ENTER ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION. E.G.

  • Address
  • Phone number
  • School name or location

Doing this might lead you to be hacked into your personal accounts or items! No one will like that!

My next tip is that to enter a screen name when you are playing any games that involve names to be required. Also NEVER EVER share your passwords (apart from your parents). Doing that can lead you to various people hacking into you - this point is probably similar to the previous point as it both refers to "hacking".

NEVER agree to get together in person with anyone met online without parental approval and/or supervision. Some people are not trustworthy and might even be harmful. Your parents might even say not to meet them but if you do, you might get yourself into trouble!