The sun and the wind

The wind: Let's try again.

The sun:What wind?

The wind:A challenge to see who is the strongest! Again.

The sun:Oh sure,this is going to be a piece of cake.

The wind:Rrrrrrrrgh.Okay, whoever gets the hat off the woman


The sun: I'll go first.

The sun shone bright and heated up but the woman just

put on sunscreen.

The wind: Ha, you're weak. Now let the real master show

you how it's done.

The wind blew and blew and the hat almost came off but the woman

caught the hat in time.

The sun: Phew, thanks woman.

fThe wind: It came off, it came of

The sun: No it didn't!

The wind: It did come off!It did.

The sun: It didn't, I saw it with my own eyes.

The wind: It came off. I'm stronger than you!

The rain: What is going on here? First I am working and then

I hear you two arguing. Could you two just be quiet, please?

The rain went away and the sun and wind keep arguing.

The sun:The hat didn't come off!

The rain:Aaaaaaaaagh I can't take this anymore!!!

The rain got annoyed and started to rain on top of the woman and the

woman took off here hat and protected It.

The rain accidentally won the challenge

The End