Animal Poems / Rhymes

The Elephant by Hilaire Belloc

When people call this beast to mind

They marvel more and more,

At such a little tail behind

So large a trunk before.

This week we will be sharing animal poems and rhymes.

Can you find an animal poem and write it on the blog

to share with your friends?

What did you like about the poem/rhyme you chose?

Who is the author of the poem?

Giraffes by Mary Ann Hoberman

I like them.

Ask me why.

Because they hold their heads up high.

Because their necks stretch to the sky.

Because they're quiet, calm and shy.

Because they run so fast they fly.

Because their eyes are velvet brown.

Because their coats are spotted tan

Because they eat the tops of trees.

Because their legs have knobbly knees.



Because. That's why.

I like giraffes.