Hello Foundation 2! We hope you have been practicing your handwriting skills at home. We'd love to see some of the work you have been doing :)

Each week we will be uploading a 'Handwriting Blog' to give you some ideas to help you practice at home.

Did you know that strengthening your muscles in your fingers is very important for handwriting? That's why some of the suggestions we will give will not look like they will develop handwriting but it will help towards strengthening those important muscles to aid your handwriting.

Fine Motor Skills:

Do you have any wool or spaghetti pasta at home?

How about threading beads or cheerios onto it?

You could make a necklace to wear or build a

big tower!

Remember to: Practice your 'sweeps' and 'flicks' by pretending you have a paint brush (finger) and practice these sweeps and flicks in the air. What colour would you choose to use with your paintbrush? Mrs Norris would choose purple glitter!

Handwriting: Mrs Norris will tell you that she LOVES rainbow writing. This week can you practice the 'a' and 's' lower case letters. You can do it on paper with crayons or use chalk - maybe even go outside and practice your name using the chalks!

Challenge (Optional):

Can you write words beginning with 'a' and 's' in rainbow colours?

Can you write your name in rainbow writing?

Finally, we'd love you to tell us how you practiced this at home, please send Miss Norton & Mrs Norris a photo of your lovely work :)

30.4.20 Handwriting Blog

Templates for these letters can be

found here:
