Revision over Half Term

In the Autumn term parents evenings, I gave out the Year 5 booklet for you to work through strategies with your parents and to help you. I hope that you go through this with your parents and revise the strategies. As it is only February, we have not yet covered all of the skills in maths. We have worked on the 4 number rules. We will be focusing on a variety of strategies in preparation for the tests in May.

Use this place value chart to help you work out when multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. REMEMBER- the decimal point NEVER moves. The numbers do!

H T U .

H T U .

0.43 x100

2 zeros in 100 - move 2 spaces towards the bigger column: H

0 . 4 3

4 . 3

4 3 .


Ask your parents to call some numbers out and to multiply and divide these numbers by 10 and 100