hello, year 4 Clyde I'm shaha and today I want to be talking about being safe online. Yes I know you might be thinking but why we already know about this well theirs a knew update that this penguin pops up and says adopt a penguin for 3 pounds sort don't have the pound sign but please if any animal pops up please call you parents. Thank you and their is something else I want to talk about with you so we all know the COVID-19/coronavirus well there are people coming and knocking on the doors saying ''hi we are here to check your house if it has dirty terms so we can clean please please do not open the door. This is what you have to do Number 1 lock your door don't let them in whatever they say Number 2 call police and tell them whats happing they will tell you what to do and stay nice and calm and do what they say calmly. Done then you are safe thank you best wishes