Our Solar system

Our Solar System is one of 500 known Solar Systems in the Milky Way Galaxy. Our Solar System consists of 8 planets and one huge star which we call our Sun.The Sun is the biggest object in the Solar System and is almost 93,000 miles away from our planet Earth, this is why it looks so small. The Sun is a ball of gas and this is why planets close to it , including our planet have lots of heat and light.

Mercury is the smallest planet in the Solar System and one of five planets you can see with your eyes from Earth. Mercury is the fastest planet to go around the Sun , it only takes 88 days. Venus is called Earth's sister because is the same size as Earth and have the same gravity, but not the same when it comes to the surface. Venus is the hottest planet and we can see it from Earth. Our Earth is the third planet next to the Sun and is the only planet that has life on it. As everyone knows, Earth is the first planet closest to the Sun that has a moon. Mars is known as the red planet. This is the second planet that has moons, it has two moons but they are circled like ours. Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System and it is known as the Gas Giant because it is a planet made mostly from gases. Jupiter is one of those five planets we can see from Earth. It looks like a bright star but not as bright as Venus. Jupiter has around 67 moons and one of it's moons is the largest moon in the Solar System. Saturn is the second largest planet and it is most popular for it's rings. These are not solid , you can't walk on them . These rings are made of ice particles, rocks, and dust. Saturn has many moons like Jupiter, some of them big as Mercury. Saturn is the largest planet you can see from Earth without a telescope. Uranus is big but smaller than Jupiter and Saturn. This planet is very different from others because it's tilted and spins around the Sun sideways. It has rings but smaller than Saturn's and 27 moons. This planet is covered with blue clouds and they give it a very blue color. Neptune is very similar to Uranus. This is the eighth and furthest planet we have in our Solar System. Neptune has methane surrounding it so it gives Neptune a very dark blue color. It has very thin rings and 14 moons.Neptune takes over 164 years to finish it's orbit around the Sun.

Brianna Farrugia St Theresa Bkara