
The first version of Minecraft was just created in six days.

Minecraft was inspired by some other games.

17076695 people have bought Minecraft pc/mac version of the game.

In the last 24 hours 11145 people have bought Minecraft.

An egg has a 1/256 chance to hatch 4 chickens at once. It is impossible to hit an enderman with an arrow/egg/snowball. If a skeleton or zombie stands on soul sand during the day they won't catch fire. Endermite suffocate in soul sand. You can't open a chest if there is a cat sitting on it. Most of the endermans sounds are people saying “Hi”, “Hello”, and “What's up” reversed, slowed down and distorted. Tamed wolves will attack you if you shoot yourself with an arrow. Shears don't take durability damage when destroying wool. Using a tool for a different use than it is intended to will decrease it's durability by 2 points instead of 1 (so stop breaking trees with picks!). The pumpkin must be placed last to create an iron golem (also the whither skull has to be placed last for the whither to spawn). You can't see a nether portal behind water or ice . An arrow shot at primed TNT will right come back at you. There is a 1 in a 10,000 chance that the title will say Minceraft, not Minecraft. The ender dragon can destroy chests but no storage minecarts (minecarts with chest).