Year 3 Summer Term 2

Hello Year 3!

This week the weather has been a bit bonkers hasn't it?! I hope you have all kept dry and cozy inside. I have been teaching some children from F2 in my 'bubble'. They are much smaller than you Year 3 but they have been exciting to teach and spend time with! :) I MISS MY CHICKENS!! You will always be my chickens.... keep going...we are nearly there :) From Miss Payne x


Last week you collected some words about water and the colour blue. So this week you are going to use these words and put them together to create your own poem. Have a look at how Miss Payne has started her poem and how the words go together on the next page of this BLOG (just click at the bottom right corner to turn this page over). I want to see how you put your words together - draft writing them out how you think they should go. When you are happy write your final draft in your blue home learning book or on a nice piece of paper. Then send a photo of your poem to Miss Payne so I can read it :) If you want to decorate the page with pictures to go with your poem that would be great!

Spelling - Year 3 word list revision, ready for the end of Year 3

describe, experience, strength, accident, recover, heart, junior, occasion, business, promise

Please complete another section in your grammar book - I am aware now that these books are nearly full so there is an additional grammar page to do in the pupil section on the Year 3 BLOG.

READ, READ, READ, READ, READ, READ ..... fill your head with WORDS!! What can you do if you find a word you don't know?


Check out the new homework on mymaths.co.uk

There is a Year 3 Revision Pack on the Pupil section of the school BLOG for you to have a go. Just do as much as you can. I will post the answers for this next week!!

Please also revise your 3X, 4X, 8X and 10X tables.

Topic - Investigating Rivers

This week we are looking at the Water Cycle this week and how water FLOWS around our planet Earth. Here is a picture of it to see the labels of each part of the cycle. Bonus question - Is there water on any other planets in our solar system? Click on the picture to watch a clip about the Water Cycle. Click on the raindrop to see how to make your own Water Cycle at home or print off the 'Water Cycle in a Bag' activity from the Pupil section of the school BLOG. There is also a worksheet to complete.


This week is our virtual Sports Day! Try some of the challenges on the BLOG. You might win a certificate!

JIGSAW - Changing ME!

The task this week is talking about changes in your life that you have control over. Some changes you will be able to control and other changes will happen because you are growing up. Have a look at the worksheet and try the activity. There is a sheet on the Pupil section of the school BLOG to help with this.