My life

So my school life officially began when i joined Burlington in reception. All i can remember is when i joined reception and the teacher told me i was in blue group. Sometimes i still go back to that same classroom to remember those old times. I then moved onto year 1 where the classroom looked all blue since it was called sapphires. I remember when i joined year 1 when i think i was about 5/6 years old. I can agree that year 2 was the best year i had in Burlington infants, i remember a lot of stuff that happened in year 2. All of the stuff will be too long to type so i will talk about a few. Once the school brought a few chickens and they were very fun to look at, but sadly they all died before the end of that term ;(. Then i ended up in year 3, I can remember a LOT of stuff since it only happened 3 academic years ago, i think i was 7/8 years old when i got into that year. I remember when i was given a letter that showed around the new junior school playground. Me and my friends had a lot of fun playing in the new playground since we had gotten tired of the old infant school playground. Okay so i can admit that year 4 was the most boring academic year. The only fun thing that happened was when me and my friends went to Sayers croft, it felt more like a camping trip to me. Okay now i'm in year 5 so i cant remember that much but it was only just an academic year ago. One thing i remember was when my class got to do camp night which is when we stay in camps on the school field and that's it. I then entered year 6 which is the year i'm in right now. its only been 2 terms but i like my past life ;) and i still remember that day when i first entered Burlington.