Microsociety Week 3

Civil Servants

We learnt about civil servants doing

different and important jobs in our

country. Some of them are police,

lawyers, ministry of defense and

salespeople. We also discussed what

jobs we would do in future weeks.

Mrs Cranfield

Mrs Cranfield came into our class to

talk about her previous job before

she came to work in B.J.S. Her job

was helping people find the right

job. She said it was quite hard

because you needed the right

people for the right job.

Mrs Cranfield set us a task of

matching 4 different people with

4 different jobs. We had to identify

the peoples' skills and see if they

could qualify in the jobs.


We finally discussed

what or currency name is

(stoof.) Now the teachers are

going to photocopy the currency

to use later on.