UK Mountain Ranges

I have researched on

Google Earth and found

different Mountain Ranges in

the United Kingdom that I am

going to label on the map.

The Cairngorms are a mountain range in the eastern Highlands of Scotland. The highest mountain int he Cairngorms is Ben Macdui with a summit elevation of 1,309 metres.

The Grampian Mountains

are in Northern Scotland

in the Scottish Highlands.

The most popular mountain here is

BEN NEVIS, which is the highest mountain

in the British Isles, it's summit elevation is

1,345 metres

The Pennines are a mixture of hills and mountains separating North West England from Yorkshire, the highest mountain is Cross fell with a summit elevation of 893m.

Mount Snowdon is the Highest Mountain

in Wales, with a summit elevation of 1085

metres. Last summer, I climbed

Mount Snowdon. I have put

some photos of the different

stages of the climb. It was hard work

but I loved it and we are hoping

to do it again in August!