The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Please read this story with your child and talk about its beginning, middle and end. For the challenge this week we ask that your child becomes an engineer! Please provide a range of different materials so that your child may build and find out which material is the best for building a bridge. Please comment on the blog and/or send in photos of your child’s engineering feats!

Next week we will be making goat’s cheese pizza, delicious! We will also be learning how to programme the bee-bots to travel under the bridges that we will be making. In maths we will be exploring and discussing the features of a range of 3D shapes. In addition, we will also be finding out about different types of bridges found around the world. Please ask your child if there is anything they would like to specifically play with or create next week in relation to the story, we will do our best to provide that experience. We look forward to another exciting week in Foundation!