Morse Code


The American inventor Samuel F.B Morse created Morse code in 1836 for long distance communication. Morse code is written in dots an dashes but they are called dits for dots and dahs for dashes.

My name in Morse code is:


[translated Jake Jones].

The message I would have wrote if I was a soldier in the war would of been:-....-.-./..-..---...-..-.--/../.---/---..-...-./..-...--.....-..-.--/..-./-...../.--/../....---.--./-.-----..-/.-.-../----.-

translated: Dear family I am off fighting in the war I hope you are ok

This is

Morse code.

Kenneth Jones

This is my great Grandad Kenneth Jones (my middle name is Kenneth after him). He was a telegraphist in the Royal Navy during World War Two and served on the aircraft carriers: Colossus and Eagle. As a telegraphist' Kenneth would of sent messages in Morse code every day.